Traditional Chinese Medicine And Yoga: How It Works

Did you know that the ancient practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Yoga bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit? Do you know ...

How To Build A Career As A Yoga Teacher?

Becoming a certified yoga teacher is the first step to starting your career in the yoga industry, but – it’s just the beginning. With a ...
Ayurvedic Clock

The 3 Doshas: Which One Are You?

Finding out your health code can unlock your body’s natural balance and vitality. What if the secret to boundless energy, a healthy body, and true ...

Choosing The Right Yoga Teacher Training For You: Balance of Yin and Yang Teacher Training

Balance is one of the most important keys in yoga—it is between movement and stillness, strength and surrender, effort and ease. Our 200 hour Yoga ...

Finding Inner Peace: Yoga Practices for Managing Anxiety and Stress

From “Fight or Flight” to “Rest and Calm” When we are stressed and anxious, we are in “fight or flight” mode. We live in a ...

What To Pack and How To Get Ready for Yoga Teacher Training In Bali- What To Expect

Starting your yoga teacher training journey can bring up a lot of excitement, nervousness, and maybe a bit of an overwhelming feeling of being unprepared. ...

10 Things You Need to Know Before Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Bali is one of the best-known destinations for yoga teacher training in the world. The striking environment, spiritual vibes, and variety of training opportunities make ...

Beginner’s Guide to Yin Yoga in Bali : What to Expect and Where to Start

Bali is a peaceful island, sacred energy, and a culture that includes a wellness ethos. However, among the different forms of yoga practiced on the ...

300-hour yoga teacher training in Bali

Sanskrit is an ancient language of vibrations with a history spanning over 3,500 years. Beyond a way of simply communicating, it holds a profound significance ...

3 Steps to Improve Teaching Yoga in bali

As a yoga teacher, continually improving your teaching skills is essential to providing your students with an enriching experience…. Yes, we all know that much! ...
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana-Inneryogatraining

200-Hour Vinyasa Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali with Inner Yoga Training

Embarking on a 200 hour Vinyasa Yin Yoga teacher training program is an enriching adventure for the ones desiring to deepen their yoga exercising and ...

Finding Stillness with Yin Yoga

Stillness and introspection amidst a life of constant movement are no longer a luxury, they are a necessity.  A regular yoga practice is an opportunity ...

Finding Balance With Ayurveda

Optimizing energy and vitality as we come back from holidays can feel difficult as we try to restart the new year.  But with an Ayurvedic ...

Yoga Props: Enhancing your Practice

When going into a 200-hour yoga teacher training, you are already well aware of the transformative power of yoga. The practice goes beyond mere physical ...
Best Azadi Retreat in Bali

Why Bali is the Best Choice for your YTT

When deciding where to pursue a 200-hour yoga teacher training, there is a lot to take into consideration. One of the biggest things you will ...
Yin Yoga to Help with Decisions-Inner Yoga Training

Yin Yoga to Help with Decisions

Yin yoga is the anecdote to the stress of everyday life.  So many in the West exist in a state of being wired and tired ...
Azadi Retreat in Bali

The Art of Yoga Sequencing

One of the key skills required as a yoga teacher is the sequencing of a yoga class. When sequencing a yoga class, there are a ...
Do I Have to Be Flexible to Practice Yoga?-Inneryogatraining

Do I Have to Be Flexible to Practice Yoga?

Taking the first steps on your yoga journey can be daunting, as can trying anything new for the first time. It is a common misconception ...
Why Is My YTT Vegetarian?- Inneryogatraining

Why Is My YTT Vegetarian?

Some Inner Yoga Training students often ask why our yoga teacher training offers vegetarian or vegan-only food. Some people who are used to eating meat ...
The Art of Sequencing; Creating an Effective Yoga Class-Inneryogatraining

The Art of Sequencing; Creating an Effective Yoga Class

One of the most exciting parts of any YTT is when you realize you have the knowledge and freedom to create your very own sequence!  ...
Offline vs Online Yoga Teacher Training-Inneryogatraining

Offline vs Online Yoga Teacher Training

When you’ve been practicing yoga for many years, you may be pondering the next step to take as a yoga enthusiast.  Ultimately, most practitioners take ...
Changing Limiting Beliefs with Yoga-Inneryogatraining

Changing Limiting Beliefs with Yoga

Our minds are constantly weaving stories and narratives that shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us.  These inner narratives, often deeply ingrained ...
Harmonizing Elements with Yin Yoga-Inneryogatraining

Harmonizing Elements with Yin Yoga

In the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the concept of elemental balance holds great significance. The five elements in this body of teaching are wood, ...
8 Health Benefits of Morning Yoga Practice

8 Health Benefits of Morning Yoga Practice

Since yester years, mankind has been cherishing morning yoga practice. It is a wonderful way to start your day on a healthy and positive note. ...
Functional Alignment in Yoga

Functional Alignment in Yoga

If you are a yoga practitioner and have attended a class in the past ten years, it is likely you will have been taught ‘traditional’ ...
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga

With time, the Western world has come to adopt the healing practices of the East more widely. While the Western approach to health has been ...
Cultural Appropriation of Yoga

Cultural Appropriation of Yoga

Most 200 hour yoga teacher training courses are primarily focused on a physical asana practice and have minimized or stripped away the origins of this ...
Yoga as a Catalyst for Artistic Expression

Yoga as a Catalyst for Artistic Expression

Creativity is a powerful force that dwells within each of us, waiting to be unleashed! It is a divine right and often hidden behind layers ...
The Warrior Series in Yoga

The Warrior Series in Yoga

There are few yoga poses as fiery, powerful, and activating as the warrior series. The core poses in the warrior series are Warrior I(Virabhadrasana I), ...
Can I Teach Yin Yoga Without Doing a Training?

Can I Teach Yin Yoga Without Doing a Training?

Can someone teach yin yoga without being trained? I was asked this question during a recent 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali.  As someone ...
The Vibrant World of Yoga

The Vibrant World of Yoga

Despite what we might see on social media and in Yoga Journal magazine, the yoga world can be a vibrant place where everybody is celebrated ...
What are the 8 limbs of yoga?

What are the 8 limbs of Yoga?

Most people start their yoga journey with a physical yoga practice, whether it’s vinyasa yoga, ashtanga, or yin yoga.  But yoga is an ancient spiritual ...
3 Best Locations for a Yoga Teacher Training in 2023

3 Best Locations for a Yoga Teacher Training in 2023

Yoga instructor training Bali has been one of the most in-demand learning and development activities. What’s more, to it is that it isn’t constricted to ...
Essential Inversions

Essential Inversions

When sequencing a yoga practice, either for yourself or for a class if you are a yoga teacher, it is important to take into consideration ...
5 Tips for Deepening Your Yoga Practice in 2023

5 Tips for Deepening Your Yoga Practice in 2023

Yoga is one of the easiest ways to channel your energy and rejuvenate your senses. With a plethora of asanas, postures, and meditation sessions, one ...
7 Reasons Why Bali is the Best Place for a Yoga Teacher Training

7 Reasons Why Bali is the Best Place for a Yoga Teacher Training

Bali has long been regarded as the hotspot of yoga centers, spiritual wellness, and whatnot.  People from nooks and corners of the world come to ...
Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and Certification

Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and Certification

Today, more and more people are taking up yoga teaching courses, thanks to their affinity towards spreading the benefits of such a lucrative Indian exercise ...
10 Yoga Benefits & Uncovering the Science Behind Yoga

10 Yoga Benefits & Uncovering the Science Behind Yoga

Yoga is incredibly beneficial to our overall well-being. Even though the scientific research into yoga’s benefits is still somewhat preliminary, much of the evidence so ...
15 Mins Morning Vinyasa Flow Yoga For Beginners

15 Mins Morning Vinyasa Flow Yoga For Beginners

Yoga has been one of the most lucrative exercises that one can do to keep oneself hale and hearty. Apart from making you physically fit, ...
The Relationship Between Yoga and Nutrition, Including Tips for a Balanced Diet to Support Your Practice

The Relationship Between Yoga and Nutrition, Including Tips for a Balanced Diet to Support Your Practice

Yoga and nutrition have long been associated with each other. While practicing yoga, it is recommended to intake what is labeled as healthy and is ...
5 Yoga Asanas to help you in Addiction Recovery

5 Yoga Asanas to Help you in Addiction Recovery

Yoga has been one of the best gifts that India has given to the world. This is because this practice not only keeps you healthy ...
Yoga and Balanced Diet for Body and Mind

Yoga and Balanced Diet for Body and Mind

Yoga is one of the most mindful exercises that have been born in India. Ladled with a plethora of asanas, it comes straight from the ...
The Evolution of Yoga

The Evolution of Yoga

The practice of yoga dates back thousands of years. One of the earliest mentions of yoga can be found in Rigveda, the oldest of the ...
A Yogi’s Guide to Ubud Bali

A Yogi’s Guide to Ubud Bali

If you’re into yoga you’ve probably heard of Ubud in Bali, Indonesia. Located in the uplands of Bali Ubud is a small town filled with ...
The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound

Music has been used for centuries all over the world to communicate with Spirit and echo and mimic nature. Sound Healing, while not new, is ...
What is the Importance of Yoga in our life?

What is the Importance of Yoga in our life?

The ancient practice of yoga can never get outdated. This is evident from its ever-increasing popularity in modern times. due to its many benefits for ...
5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Yoga Teacher Training

5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Yoga is something that not only benefits you health-wise but can also help you get a break into the healthcare and fitness industry in the ...
100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Yoga is one of the most vital exercises one can do. Apart from practicing yoga, people are teaching it to others as well. This is ...
A Healthy Spine

A Healthy Spine

Spine health is crucial to our overall health, especially as we age. It helps to support our structure and balance and helps us maintain good ...
Awaken Your Inner Goddess

Awaken Your Inner Goddess – International Women’s Day

Awakening your inner Goddess is to connect with your feminine energy. But what does it actually mean? You might have heard a yoga teacher mention ...
I Am 200 hour YTT Certified! How Was It, and Now What?

I Am 200 Hour YTT Certified! How Was It, and Now What?

And just like that, I am back home and have become a yoga instructor. Okay, so it wasn’t just like that. In fact, the very ...
Yin Yoga for a Hectic World

Yin Yoga for a Hectic World

We live in a world of constant movement, messaging, deadlines, and noise. Plagued with everyday stresses, anxiety, and uncertainty it can be hard to find ...
How I Chose my Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

How I Chose my Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Deciding on a yoga teacher training is not like choosing a pair of Lulu Lemon leggings!  It takes a lot more thought and extensive research ...
3 Ways Yoga Can Help Your Career

3 Ways Yoga Can Help your Career

Many yogis travel to top yoga destinations like Bali, India, and Costa Rica to escape from the daily routines of life and embark on a ...
The Basics of Ayurveda

The Basics of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient approach to health that originated in the Indian subcontinent around the 4th Century BCE.  Known as “the science of life”, the ...
3 Reasons why a yoga teacher training in Bali might just be the path for you

3 Reasons Why a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Might Just be the Path for You

Those of us who don’t appreciate or enjoy strenuous exercise like going to the gym to weightlift or high-intensity cardio tend to look for an ...
The Spiritual Side of Yoga in Bali

The Spiritual Side of Yoga in Bali

Many travelers from around the globe, specifically yogis and yoga teachers alike dream to travel to Bali, the question is why? Bali is rated one ...
Harnessing your Personal Power with Manipura Chakra

Harnessing your Personal Power with Manipura Chakra

It is inevitable that when you take a yoga teacher training course in Bali you will go deeper into the ancient science of chakras. You ...

Yoga for Grounding in Chaotic Times

We all experience chapters of life that are more stimulating than others. Regardless of who you are or where you live, there is no doubt ...
Yoga and Mental Health

Yoga and Mental Health

Those who practice yoga know that their practice will help improve their mood and give them a greater sense of wellbeing. Whether it be a ...

The Power of Pranayama

What are we without the breath? It is the life force moving through us that sustains us. Some say it is the soul manifesting through ...

Balancing My Yin and Yang with Inner Yoga Training in Bali

Yin and yang, we have all heard of it or seen its black and white symbol, I know I have. Okay, I lied. I had ...

The First Three Chakras and Their Significance

The chakras are a series of seven energetic centers that exist along the length of the spine. These seven energetic centers are represented by different ...

Why I chose to do my yoga teacher training in Bali

Well, 2022 is just about finished, and boy has it ended differently to how I thought it would. Did I have a clear idea about ...
What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course Really Like?

What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course Really Like?

Since the pandemic, the importance of yoga and keeping one’s mental health in good spirits has become more than evident. As a result, more and ...

Yoga for Deep Sleep

Do you dream of waking up feeling rested and rejuvenated? A lack of sleep can lead to many long-term health issues such as reduced immunity ...

What Makes a Good Yoga Teacher?

While there is no one set of rules or a checklist for what makes a great yoga teacher, there are things to take into consideration ...

A Year of Transformation- Yoga Teacher Training in 2023

It is that time of year again when intentions and resolutions for the New Year are starting to once again rise to the surface of ...

The Origins of Vinyasa Yoga – Inner Yoga Training Bali 2023

Vinyasa Yoga is no doubt one of the most popular styles of yoga today in the West, as is seen in the popularity of Inner ...

A Lifetime of Transformation with a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

When choosing where, when, and how to complete your yoga teacher training, there are numerous considerations to take into account. Who to train with, what ...

Yoga to Calm the Nervous System

The calming and grounding effects of regular yin yoga practice are widely known. Yoga is undoubtedly one of the most powerful practices you can partake ...

Finding Balance and Harmony through Yoga

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are two of the oldest and most widely practiced medical traditions worldwide. Ayurveda is known as “the science of life” ...

Yama Explained from The Yoga Sutras

What we have come to know as yoga today originates from a philosophical text scribed back in 200 BCE known as The Yoga Sutras of ...
Vinyasa-or-Yin. Which-to-practice-and-why

Vinyasa Or Yin – Which To Practice And Why

With so many styles of yoga to choose from, it can be confusing to know where to start. If you’re looking to dive deeper into ...

How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training- Why Bali?

So you’re looking to complete a yoga teacher training in Bali. You’ve been scrolling through the seemingly infinite number of 200 Hour vinyasa and yin ...
Why You Should Take a Yin Yoga Training Bali-Inneryogatraining

Why You Should Take a Yin Yoga Training Bali

Yin Yoga used to be an unknown and less popular style of yoga.  There were very few yin yoga teacher training in Bali as people ...
How Practicing Yoga Today is Different-Inneryogatraining

How Practicing Yoga Today is Different

Yoga originated in ancient India thousands of years ago. The word yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning “yug” – to yoke or unite. Though many ...
Difference Between 200 and 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training-Inneryogatraining

Difference Between 200 and 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

We tell our students when they do their 200 hours yoga teacher training in Bali Indonesia, that it’s like getting your beginners license.
Learn to Teach Yin Yoga-Inneryogatraining

Learn to Teach Yin Yoga

Yin yoga has exploded in popularity in the last couple of years and being able to teach both vinyasa and yin yoga can be appealing ...
4 Ways Yoga May Help Heal Lower Back Pain-Inneryogatraining

4 Ways Yoga May Help Heal Lower Back Pain

Millions of people suffer from lower back pain and it can often be accompanied by depression and anxiety.
Will I Be Ready to Teach Yoga After I Get My 200 Hours Yoga Certification 2023?-Inneryogatraining

Will I Be Ready to Teach Yoga After I Get My 200 Hours Yoga Certification 2023?

If you’re like others who have decided to do a 200-hour yoga teacher training, you’ve already experienced the amazing benefits a yoga practice brings to ...
Certified-Yoga-Teacher in-bali

How Do I Become a Certified Yoga Instructor?

Congratulations on taking this step in your yoga journey and deciding to become a Certified Yoga Instructor!

Understanding The Eight Limbs of Yoga with Inner Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Patanjali was a great sage who systemized and organized the study and teachings of yoga. He was not the first teacher of yoga, nor is ...
Why a Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Should be Your First Choice-Inneryogatraining

Why a Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Should be Your First Choice

You know those days; you’re feeling really tired and maybe a bit stressed. You drag yourself out of bed and fuel up on coffee before ...
Things You Should Know Before Joining a Yoga Teacher Training Course-Inneryogatraining

Things You Should Know Before Joining a Yoga Teacher Training Course

Joining a yoga teacher training program could be what puts the biggest smile on your face in 2022. But before you start packing and booking ...
Elevate Your Yoga Teaching Skills-inneryogatraining

Elevate Your Yoga Teaching Skills

Given the array of choices one has in terms of professions and profiles, it is pretty difficult to decide which one will suit you and ...
Health Benefits of Yoga for a New Mother

Health Benefits of Yoga for a New Mother

Loving the soft skin? The round and big eyes? The tiny feet? The million-dollar smile? Embracing motherhood can be one of the most beautiful feelings ...